
MCIP has driven change at CHEC and DCPS, launching DC’s first 1:1 student-to-device initiative, Early College High School, Arabic and Japanese language programs and personalized cloud instruction. We’ve invested in infrastructure, professional development, and global education, enriching students’ experiences.


  • First DC school to implement a 1:1 student to device initiative.
  • One of the first DC schools to implement personalized cloud platform instruction.
  • First DC school to use project-based portfolios (now e-portfolios).
  • Piloted first National Academy Foundation (NAF) Hospitality program.
  • Pioneered DC’s first Early College High School Program.
  • First DC school to implement 4 x 4 block scheduling.
  • Only DC school to fund a whole-school summer professional development.
  • First DC school-based daycare center to serve teen parents.
  • First dual immersion language program in DC.
  • First DC school to implement a study abroad program.


  • The 2006 opening of CHEC was the fulfillment of a 20-year campaign led by MCIP.
  • MCIP raised $7 million for the campus.
  • MCIP planned and ensured the addition of the Model United Nations to the CHEC campus
  • MCIP planned and ensured that the auditorium contained a full stage lighting and rigging infrastructure that has been used as a theater arts teaching tool for students, as a stage for the National Symphony Orchestra and other community events.
  • MCIP ensured that the underground parking facility was retained in the school construction plans – after the architect requested it be removed.


  • Since 2006, MCIP has raised $635,000 to provide hundreds of laptops, carts and other devices to enable enhanced outcomes for CHEC students and teachers.
  • Through grants and donors, MCIP covers professional fees, subscriptions and professional development for teachers and staff when DCPS is unable to do so.
  • MCIP has historically assisted the DCPS office on immigration related funding matters for highly qualified teachers.


  • In 39 years of hosting an annual college scholarship Gala for CHEC seniors, MCIP has raised $5.6 million to help 1,450 students pursue their college aspirations. The overwhelming majority of CHEC students are first-generation college students.
  • MCIP powered the first early college dual enrollment program in the DMV with funding from the Bill & Medlinda Gates Foundation through a partnership with the National Council of Laza (UnidosUS).
  • Approximately 95% of all teen parents enrolled in MCIP’s Bell Teen Parent and Child Development Center graduate from high school and 84% of students go on to purse higher education.


  • MCIP has provided training in math curriculum and instruction to 364 teachers from 33 schools in DCPS through a grant funded curriculum development institute.
  • MCIP has provided curriculum and instructional support to 30 DCPS principals.
  • MCIP secured grants to provide laptops for principals and teachers in the institutes.


  • Through grants, partnerships and contributions, MCIP has expanded and enriched the CHEC World Languages Department by bringing in Arabic, Italian and Japanese instruction to the existing course offerings. In addition, each of these languages were integrated with partnerships within the various diplomatic communities to create a more immersive, vibrant and robust program.
  • MCIP enables CHEC to have a strong international exchange and visiting student program that extends opportunities for students to broaden their understanding of the world by annually visiting and hosting students from Cat Island – The Bahamas and in past years by visiting Brazil, Cuba, China, Haiti, Guatemala, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico and Paraguay.


  • With MCIP’s launching of a teen pregnancy prevention program in 1994, teen pregnancies went from an average of 46 instances per year for a population of 660 students to the current five-year average of 3 teen pregnancies per year for a student body of 1,400.
  • MCIP provides after-school tutoring and enrichment services for 400 CHEC students, year-round and also on Saturdays.
  • MCIP sponsors a weekly parent breakfast meeting with the Principal.
  • MCIP also provides the following programs and services to the CHEC community: delinquency prevention services, home visits, trauma informed care, literacy assistance, health and hot meals, leadership development, mentoring, gardening, scholarship assistance and more.


  • MCIP supports CHEC to purchase custodial and classroom supplies during DCPS budget shortfalls.
  • MCIP supports the salary of a full-time parent engagement liaison.
  • MCIP supports a monthly incentive program that recognizes effective teachers.
  • MCIP’s daycare center also provides low-cost childcare services for teachers.